In this post I like to talk about the TypeSchema specification and the changes of the latest version.
To start, TypeSchema is a JSON specification to describe data models in a language neutral format. Basically it can be seen as an alternative to JSON schema with a focus on code generation (and not validation). It helps you to build type-safe applications by sharing core data models in different environments.
The TypeSchema specification is reversible, this means you can transform a TypeSchema specification into actual code and then use a reflection library to turn this code back into a TypeSchema specification without any data loss s.
Generator Reflection | | TypeSchema ---> Generated Code ---> TypeSchema
In this case the TypeSchema on the left is identical to the TypeSchema on the right. To give you a practical example lets take a look at the following TypeSchema specification:
{ "definitions": { "Student": { "type": "struct", "properties": { "firstName": { "type": "string" }, "lastName": { "type": "string" }, "age": { "type": "integer" } } } }, "root": "Student" }
Through the code generator we can turn this specification into actual code, in this example we use the Java generator.
Generated Java Code
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*; public class Student { private String firstName; private String lastName; private Integer age; @JsonSetter("firstName") public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } @JsonGetter("firstName") public String getFirstName() { return this.firstName; } @JsonSetter("lastName") public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } @JsonGetter("lastName") public String getLastName() { return this.lastName; } @JsonSetter("age") public void setAge(Integer age) { this.age = age; } @JsonGetter("age") public Integer getAge() { return this.age; } }
Now we can use the reflection library to transform this model back into a TypeSchema specification which looks exactly like the schema defined above.
This should give you a rough understanding how TypeSchema works, for more details please take a look at the website or specification.
With the latest version we have moved away from the JSON Schema compatibility which we had for some years, this means we now use dedicated keywords which are not compatible with JSON Schema so you need to decide whether you want to use TypeSchema or JSON Schema. The following list covers the important changes.
We have removed all validation keywords from our specification i.e. required
or minLength
to make clear that TypeSchema
helps you only to model your data, it is not intended to validate your data. We also no longer use the dollar sign $
at our keywords since
they make it more complicated for code generators to process.
We think that validation must be done in your domain layer, where you also generate fitting error messages. At TypeSchema you only describe which fields are available and our code generator can then generate DTOs for every object structure. These DTOs can then be used at your domain layer to validate the incoming data.
We have removed support of the oneOf
keyword. At the code generator we have noticed that for dynamically typed languages it is easy
to represent actual unions, statically typed languages like Java or C# have a much harder time to represent such dynamic data types. But they all
can represent a tagged union. This is also the concept which is now supported at TypeSchema, instead of guessing the fitting schema
a user needs to provide a concrete type identifier which is mapped to a concrete type definition. This is also
heavily used at our meta-schema to describe the TypeSchema
specification itself.
Because of this union change we now also require a type property on every type. For example previously you could use the $ref
now you need to use the "reference" type s.
{ "type": "reference", "target": "My_Type" }
I'm really happy with the current TypeSchema version and I think we have made many solid designe choices for the future. Basically TypeSchema could evolve into a general JSON format to represent a model in a language neutral format.
To give you a short outlook into the ecosystem, there are several projects in development which are basically based on TypeSchema. At first there is a new specification called TypeAPI which helps to describe complete REST APIs for code generation, which internally also uses the TypeSchema models. Then there is a platform called TypeHub which helps to manage TypeSchema/TypeAPI specifications and the SDKgen app which provides a great code generator to turn an TypeSchema/TypeAPI specification into client code.