
Hello, my name is Christoph, I am a software developer and I like to build and innovate solutions for the API ecosystem using type-safe/oop languages like PHP, TypeScript and Java.

I have started several open source projects like Fusio, a popular open source API management system or PSX a framework and set of components dedicated to build modern API solutions. I am also the author of the TypeAPI and TypeSchema specification which provides a new way to describe REST APIs in a type-safe way.

Please take a look at my website chrisk.app to get an overview about all my projects. I am working as team lead software developer at Artemeon where we build RegTech solutions for the financial and insurance sector. If you are a headhunter please click here to contact me.



  • Fusio
    Open source API management platform
  • PSX
    A PHP framework to develop RESTful APIs
  • TypeAPI
    An OpenAPI alternative to describe REST APIs for type-safe code generation
  • TypeSchema
    TypeSchema is a JSON format to describe data models in a language neutral format
  • Apioo
    Github organisation which contains API related projects



  • DeutschlandAPI
    DeutschlandAPI provides a modern REST API to access public information of germany
  • TypeHub
    TypeHub is a next generation API and data design platform
  • APIGen
    APIgen helps to quickly generate production ready and customizable APIs
  • SDKgen
    SDKgen is a powerful code generator to automatically build client SDKs for your REST API
  • APImon
    APImon provides an intuitive service to monitor and analyze API endpoints
  • Cloud
    A simple hosting service to create a Fusio instance in the cloud
  • Apioo
    Project website which lists all our products

